Coming soon...
Consent that's Healthy, Hearty, Ambient,
Enthusiastic and Retractable
Enthusiastic and Retractable
Ape is far more common and more readily labeled than rape
Prevent and Control
Aroused "Hot-Cold" Empathy Gaps
Aroused "Hot-Cold" Empathy Gaps
Healthy Consent or Quick Consent?
Your choice mirrors how much you care
Private and Confidential
We will not share your data
without your consent unless required
by community contract or law
Give Yourself and
Your Partner a Sexy
Consent Megaphone
Your Partner a Sexy
Consent Megaphone
Have your speaker speak loudly
and clearly when you can't
Highly Conserved,
Amplified Safewords
Clearer than "Stop"
Amplified Safewords
Clearer than "Stop"
Our safewords are the bedroom equivalent of
"Stop, Drop, and Roll"
Supporting Stable Matches and Marriages All Across the Rainbow
We want you to fall in love and enjoy the richest of human experiences safely, whether you use us often or only once in your life. As long as your sexuality is legal and consensual, we'll support you. And we'll be there for you when it's not.
Help Us Protect Fundamental Færness and Equality
Work with us to make sure your community or school handles ape experiences, "Me Too" reports, and other allegations and experiences of harm "faerly" (for both parties) and speedily according to best practices. Know your rights, exercise your rights, and campaign to hold private schools to the same standard contract and compact as public schools.